2 research outputs found

    On Evaluation of Bangla Word Analogies

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    This paper presents a high-quality dataset for evaluating the quality of Bangla word embeddings, which is a fundamental task in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Despite being the 7th most-spoken language in the world, Bangla is a low-resource language and popular NLP models fail to perform well. Developing a reliable evaluation test set for Bangla word embeddings are crucial for benchmarking and guiding future research. We provide a Mikolov-style word analogy evaluation set specifically for Bangla, with a sample size of 16678, as well as a translated and curated version of the Mikolov dataset, which contains 10594 samples for cross-lingual research. Our experiments with different state-of-the-art embedding models reveal that Bangla has its own unique characteristics, and current embeddings for Bangla still struggle to achieve high accuracy on both datasets. We suggest that future research should focus on training models with larger datasets and considering the unique morphological characteristics of Bangla. This study represents the first step towards building a reliable NLP system for the Bangla language1

    Exploring Challenges of Deploying BERT-based NLP Models in Resource-Constrained Embedded Devices

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    BERT-based neural architectures have established themselves as popular state-of-the-art baselines for many downstream NLP tasks. However, these architectures are data-hungry and consume a lot of memory and energy, often hindering their deployment in many real-time, resource-constrained applications. Existing lighter versions of BERT (eg. DistilBERT and TinyBERT) often cannot perform well on complex NLP tasks. More importantly, from a designer's perspective, it is unclear what is the "right" BERT-based architecture to use for a given NLP task that can strike the optimal trade-off between the resources available and the minimum accuracy desired by the end user. System engineers have to spend a lot of time conducting trial-and-error experiments to find a suitable answer to this question. This paper presents an exploratory study of BERT-based models under different resource constraints and accuracy budgets to derive empirical observations about this resource/accuracy trade-offs. Our findings can help designers to make informed choices among alternative BERT-based architectures for embedded systems, thus saving significant development time and effort